For those of you who know me you will know I like to win, this was evident on Saturday morning during my Stream on badbeattv never had I wanted a win so badly. Not only for the money I mean $140 before Xmas is a nice unexpected win, but more than that it was my second tournament win of the day and my first Tourney win on ACR poker.
It’s these things that drive me, that push me on to keep setting myself goals.
Our first tourney win of the Stream was the $2.20 Horse, ironically I was not going to play this after a poor run in the Horse tournies as of late, but I persevered bad runs can’t go on forever right? Getting the First trophy on a new channel has now settled me down, it’s a goal down and now I get to set the next targets.
Not only was it a 1st for me, but BadBeatTV also received their first subscriptions due to the generosity of a well known viewer amongst smaller streams, without people such as these us smaller streamers simply can’t surviv

I’m now looking forward to a full week of streaming, two days on BBTV Mon/Tuesday and then Wed-Friday on mine. I’m at that stage where I just don’t want to do the same thing over and over, play the same tourneys without much variety. I am of course as many of you know, restricted to the times I can play tourneys due to doing the school run in the mornings and afternoons. This in turn I will turn into a positive though, on the days I am out of tourneys early I will fire up some cash game tables, Sng’s or do hand reviews. This is something I have been meaning to do for awhile now, but the procrastinator in side of me has been winning that battle.
I’ve recently become an affiliate on SWC a bitcoin site with an abundance of mixed games, I’m pleased to announce my 1st Freeroll/Homegame is now live on the client. This will be for those of you who have signed up to the site under my link, although I’d love for everyone to be able to play, this is my way of rewarding those of you who have currently signed up and an incentive for others to join.
For more info about SWC read my Article here I wish you all a good week on the Virtual felt, as always take it easy.