After 4.5 years as an ACR Stormer, the show must go on. I must admit, the news hit me hard; it came as a total surprise. Just a few months earlier, our team had won the European WSOHG bracket. Participating in Stormer events and meeting the requirements had been a constant part of my life.
Ironically, only two months before, I received a performance bonus. This was partly due to the sign-ups and I believe the success of the Sit N Go bingo promotion I created to boost player involvement.
The support from the community has been phenomenal, you guys really have pulled me through the bad times. As the old cliché goes, when one door closes, another one opens. In addition to my work as an editor for TopPokerStreamers, I have been dedicating time to my website.
I’ve recently rekindled my passion for mixed games, which is where my true love for poker lies. I played in the recent Scoop After Party, cashing in three out of the four events I entered—although they were all min cashes. It felt great to play Badugi again, a variant where I have consistently excelled.

I will continue to Stream
While I can no longer justify or afford the time I previously spent streaming without financial rewards, I recognize the mental health benefits it provides. Therefore, I will continue to stream twice a week on average. I’m excited to showcase mixed games and plan to release YouTube videos focusing on this aspect of poker.
I’ve mentioned this before, but now I am fully confident that I can maintain it—I will be blogging frequently! Building my website and sharing my passion for mixed games is something I am deeply committed to. Thank you very much for reading. See you around, either here or on my stream!