I grew up in South East London a relatively rough part of London which sadly is becoming more so year on year. For the majority of my childhood it was just my Mum and two brothers, sadly my Dad passed away when I was just six, he was only forty four. It was the big C that got the better off him. Tobacco in a pipe was his pleasure when he was younger, sadly they knew little about the dangers of smoking back then.
I’ve suffered the vast majority of my life was with mental illness going all the way back to childhood, although this was not diagnosed at the time. Depression and anxiety is a crippling condition, it’s something that at times doesn’t get talked about, almost as though it is something to be ashamed about. If somebody had a broken leg you wouldnt say to them come on shake it off your fine. Unfortunately this is a common occurrence for people with depression, “oh come on just be happy” “cheer up it can’t be that bad” people say, if only it was that easy hey?

I’m a happy family Man all beit apart from my bad days with depression of course. I have 2 wonderful boys, a grown up step daughter and a beautiful girlfriend I love dearly. It’s that time in my life where it’s about time I turn things around and try and make my goals and aspirations become a reality.
My youngest son Daniel has a form of Liver disease called Biliary Atresia, when he was just 30 hours old he was rushed to hospital after Vomiting a large amount of blood, a few weeks later he was diagnosed and had an operation called a Kasai named after a Japanese surgeon who first performed the procedure. Through my streaming and this site I hope to spread awareness of this childhood disease that affects 1 in every 16000 babies born.
I’ve been playing online poker for around 15 years now, with a few years gap in between. I picked it up relatively quickly. It was only my first deposit that I have ever gone bust, ever since then I have been beating the game, all beit it at the micro levels. I’m hoping with hard work and dedication I can progress, move up in the stakes, and get to play regularly where my skill level should be.
I’m a massive mixed games fan, with Badugi and 2-7 Single draw being my favourites closely followed behind by Omaha Hi/lo. If it wasn’t for mixed games I’m sure I would not be playing all these years later. I have over £10k profit spread over different sites I have played over the years some are still in operation many are sadly not. The site I have won the most in will come as no surprise to many, that is of course PokerStars, the site with the majority of mixed games out there.
My win amount is not enough for me to make a living at full time, luckily I’m in the position as a stay at home dad to turn my hobby into a small extra income and in the future who knows?

I’m hoping with my site and streaming I can hit my end goals and live a more comfortable one for myself and my family.
Thank-you for stopping by guys please enjoy the site if you have any questions or for business enquiries please click on the “contact me tab”
Have a good day.
Regards Tony aka TonyW4rriorz.